![Cinque Terre](img/CYN.png)
- Name: 曹亚男 Yanan Cao
- Title: Research Fellow
- Education: Ph.D.
- Research Direction: NLP, SNA, ML
- Email: caoyanan@iie.ac.cn
Prof. Yanan Cao, Deputy Director of the Fourth Faculty, is a research fellow of Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences(IIE, CAS) and a Ph.D. program supervisor of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences(UCAS). She had received her bachelor's degree from the School of Computer Science and Technology of Shandong University in 2006 and her Ph.D. from the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2012. Her research directions include natural language processing(NLP), social network analysis(SNA) and machine learning(ML). Her specific research fields include knowledge map construction and reasoning, text generation, graph neural network and so on. She was selected as the youth star of Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2016 and selected into the Youth Innovation Promotion Association(CAS) in 2018. She won the first place in the Astar in 2017, won the third place in the OAG-WHOISWHO competition in 2019 and won the best paper award of PAKDD in 2020. So far, she has published many academic papers in international top conferences and journals including WWW, AAAI, ICDM and CIKM, and has published more than 60 EI and SCI search papers. She has been a member of ACL, AAAI, EMNLP, CIKM program committee and IJCAI senior program committee for many years. She is a peer reviewer of academic journals at home and abroad such as TKDE, TIS, FCS, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Journal of Chinese Information Processing, and serves as a review expert of National Natural Science foundation of China and Beijing Municipal Natural Science Foundation. She has presided over and participated in a number of projects supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Key Research and Development Project of China, Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and has rich scientific research experience and project experience. She offered postgraduate courses "Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing" and "Intelligent Question Answering Frontier Technology" at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences , which were well received and praised by students.
Social Service
- 1.ACL 2022 AC、AAAI 2022 SPC、KDD 2022 PC
- 2.Program committee member of ACL, IJCAI, EMNLP, WWW, SIGIR and other international conferences for many years
- 3.Member of CCF YOCSEF and Youth Working Committee of China Chinese Information Society (CIPS)
- 4.Review expert of National Natural Science foundation of China and Beijing Municipal Natural Science Foundation.
Awards and Honors
- 1.Special contribution award of National Engineering Laboratory for Information Content Security Technology,2013
- 2.Outstanding communist party member of the Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences,2015
- 3.Youth star of Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences,2016
- 4.1st place in Astar,2017
- 5.Outstanding staff of the Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences,2017
- 6.Member of Youth Innovation Promotion Association of Chinese Academy of Sciences,2018
- 7.3rd place in the OAG-WHOISWHO,2019
- 8.Best paper award of PAKDD,2020
- 9.Excellent staff at the office level of the Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences,2021
Representative Works
- (WWWJ-2024) Yanan Cao, Xixun Lin, Yongxuan Wu, Fengzhao Shi, Yanmin Shang, Qingfeng Tan, Chuan Zhou, Peng Zhang. A Data-centric Framework of Improving Graph Neural Networks for Knowledge Graph Embedding.(CCF-B) [pdf][code]
- (ICML-2024) Xixun Lin, Wenxiao Zhang, Fengzhao Shi, Chuan Zhou, Lixin Zou, Xiangyu Zhao, Dawei Yin, Shirui Pan, Yanan Cao. Graph Neural Stochastic Diffusion for Estimating Uncertainty in Node Classification.(CCF-A) [pdf][code]
- (ACL-2024) Yubing Ren, Ping Guo, Yanan Cao, Wei Ma. Subtle Signatures, Strong Shields: Advancing Robust and Imperceptible Watermarking in Large Language Models.(CCF-A) [pdf][code]
- (NAACL-2024) Yanhe Fu, Yanan Cao∗, Qingyue Wang,and Yi Liu. TISE: A Tripartite In-context Selection Method for Event Argument Extraction.(CCF-B) [pdf][code]
- (WSDM-2024) Yu Liu, Yanan Cao, Shi Wang, Qingyue Wang, Guanqun Bi. Generative Models for Complex Logical Reasoning over Knowledge Graphs. (CCF-B) [pdf][code]
- (COLING-2024) Yubing Ren, Yanan Cao, Hao Li, Yingjie Li, Zixuan Ma, Fang Fang, Ping Guo and Wei Ma. DEIE: Benchmarking Document-level Event Information Extraction with a Large-scale Chinese News Dataset. (CCF-B) [pdf][code]
- (ICASSP-2024) Hao Li, Yanan Cao, Yubing Ren, Fang Fang, Lanxue Zhang, Yingjie Li, Shi Wang. Sorting, Reasoning, and Extraction: an Easy-to-Hard Reasoning Framework for Document-level Event Argument Extraction. (CCF-B) [pdf][code]
- (EMNLP-2023) Hao Li, Yanan Cao, Yubing Ren, Fang Fang, Lanxue Zhang, Yingjie Li, Shi Wang. Intra-Event and Inter-Event Dependency-Aware Graph Network for Event Argument Extraction. (CCF-B) [pdf]
- (NLPCC-2023) Yanhe Fu, Yi Liu, Yanan Cao, Yubing Ren, Qingyue Wang, Fang Fang, Cong Cao. A Multi-granularity Similarity Enhanced Model for Implicit Event Argument Extraction. (CCF-C) [pdf][code]
- (ACL-2023) Yi Liu, Yuan Tian, Jianxun Lian, Xinlong Wang, Yanan Cao, Fang Fang, Wen Zhang, Haizhen Huang, Denvy Deng, Qi Zhang. Towards Better Entity Linking with Multi-View enhanced Distillation. (CCF-A) [pdf][code]
- (ACL-2023) Yubing Ren, Yanan Cao, Ping Guo, Fang Fang, Wei Ma, Zheng Lin. Retrieve-and-Sample: Document-level Event Argument Extraction via Hybrid Retrieval Augmentation. (CCF-A) [pdf]
- (ACL-2023) Guanqun Bi, Lei Shen, Yanan Cao, Meng Chen, Yuqiang Xie, Zheng Lin, Xiaodong He. DiffusEmp: A Diffusion Model-Based Framework with Multi-Grained Control for Empathetic Response Generation. (CCF-A) [pdf][code]
- (ACL-2023) Qingyue Wang, Liang Ding, Yanan Cao, Yibing Zhan, Zheng Lin, Shi Wang, Dacheng Tao, Li Guo. Divide, Conquer, and Combine: Mixture of Semantic-Independent Experts for Zero-Shot Dialogue State Tracking. (CCF-A) [pdf][code]
- (WWW-2023) Yuchen Zhou, Yanan Cao, Yongchao Liu, Yanmin Shang, Peng Zhang, Zheng Lin, Yun Yue, Baokun Wang, Xing Fu, Weiqiang Wang. Multi-Aspect Heterogeneous Graph Augmentation.(CCF-A) [pdf][code]
- (TOIS-2022) Yuchen Zhou, Yanan Cao, Yanmin Shang, Chuan Zhou, Shirui Pan, Zheng Lin, Qian Li. Explainable Hyperbolic Temporal Point Process for User-Item Interaction Sequence Generation. (CCF-A) [pdf][code]
- (ACL-2022) Ruipeng Jia, Xingxing Zhang, Yanan Cao*, Shi Wang, Zheng Lin, Furu Wei. Neural Label Search for Zero-Shot Multi-Lingual Extractive Summarization. (CCF-A) [pdf][code]
- (WWW-2022) Fengzhao Shi, Yanan Cao, Yanmin Shang*, Yuchen Zhou, Chuan Zhou, Jia Wu. H2-FDetector: A GNN-based Fraud Detector with Homophilic and Heterophilic Connections. (CCF-A) [pdf][code]
- (AAAI-2022) Ren Li, Yanan Cao, Qiannan Zhu, Guanqun Bi, Fang Fang*, Yi Liu, Qian Li. How Does Knowledge Graph Embedding Extrapolate to Unseen Data: a Semantic Evidence View. (CCF-A) [pdf][code]
- (ICDM-2022) Yuchen Zhou, Yanan Cao, Yanmin Shang, Chuan Zhou, Chuancheng Song, Fengzhao Shi, Qian Li. Task-level Relations Modelling for Graph Meta-learning.(CCF-B) [pdf][code]
- (WWWJ-2022) Yuchen Zhou, Yanmin Shang, Yanan Cao, Qian Li, Chuan Zhou, Guandong Xu. API-GNN: Attribute Preserving Oriented Interactive Graph Neural Network. (CCF-B) [pdf]
- (COLING-2022) Yubing Ren, Yanan Cao, Fang Fang, Ping Guo, Zheng Lin, Wei Ma, Yi Liu. CLIO: Role-interactive Multi-event Head Attention Network for Document-level Event Extraction. (CCF-B) [pdf]
- (COLING-2022)Qingyue Wang, Yanan Cao, Piji Li and Li Guo. Slot Dependency Modeling for Zero-shot Cross-domain Dialogue State Tracking. (CCF-B) [pdf]
- (IJCNN-2021)Qingyue Wang, Yanan Cao, Junyan Jiang, Yafang Wang and Li Guo. Incorporating Specific Knowledge into End-to-End Task-oriented Dialogue Systems. (CCF-C) [pdf]
- (AAAI-2021) Ruipeng Jia, Yanan Cao*, Haichao Shi, Fang Fang, Pengfei Yin, Shi Wang. Flexible Non-Autoregressive Extractive Summarization with Threshold: How to Extract a Non-Fixed Number of Summary Sentences? (CCF-A) [pdf][code]
- (ACL-2021) Ruipeng Jia, Yanan Cao*, Fang Fang, Yuchen Zhou, Zheng Fang, Yanbing Liu, Shi Wang. Deep Differential Amplifier for Extractive Summarization.(CCF-A) [pdf][code]
- (ICASSP-2021) Hengzhu Tang, Yanan Cao*, Zhenyu Zhang, Ruipeng Jia, Fang Fang, Shi Wang. Multi-Granularity Hetegrogeneous Graph For Document-level Relation Extraction. (CCF-B)
- (WWWJ-2020) Xiaoxue Li, Yanan Cao*, Yanmin Shang, Yangxi Li, Qian Li, Guandong Xu. RLINK: Deep Reinforcement Learning for User Identity Linkage. (CCF-B) [pdf]
- (EMNLP-2020) Ruipeng Jia, Yanan Cao*, Hengzhu Tang, Fang Fang, Cong Cao, Shi Wang: Neural Extractive Summarization with Hierarchical Attentive Heterogeneous Graph Network. (CCF-B) [pdf][code]
- (CIKM-2020) Ruipeng Jia, Yanan Cao*, Haichao Shi, Fang Fang, Yanbing Liu, Jianlong Tan. DistilSum: Distilling the Knowledge for Extractive Summarization. (CCF-B) [pdf][code]
- (WWW-2020) Zheng Fang, Yanan Cao*, Ren Li, Zhenyu Zhang, Yanbing Liu, Shi Wang. High quality Candidate Generation and Sequential Graph Attention Network for Entity Linking. (CCF-A) [pdf][code]
- (AAAI-2020) Xiaoxue Li, Yanan Cao*, Yanmin Shang, Yangxi Li, Yanbing Liu, Jianlong Tan. Type-aware Anchor Link Prediction across Heterogeneous Networks based on Graph Attention Network.(CCF-A) [pdf]
- (WWW-2019) Zheng Fang, Yanan Cao*, Qian Li, Dongjie Zhang, Zhenyu Zhang, Yanbing Liu. Joint Entity Linking with Deep Reinforcement Learning. (CCF-A) [code]
- (ICME-2019) Yanmin Shang, Zhezhou Kang, Yanan Cao*, Yanbing Liu, Jianlong Tan. PAAE: A Unified Framework for Predicting Anchor Links with Adversarial Embedding. (CCF-B)
- (PAKDD-2020) Hengzhu Tang, Yanan Cao, Zhenyu Zhang, Jiangxia Cao, Fang Fang, Shi Wang, Pengfei Yin. HIN: Hierarchical Inference Network for Document-Level Relation Extraction. (CCF-C,Best Paper Award)
- (KSEM-2018)Qingyue Wang, Yanjing Song, Hao Liu, Yanan Cao and Li Guo. A Sequence Transformation Model for Chinese Named Entity Recognition. (CCF-C) [pdf]
Undertaking Research Projects
- 1.2021.06~2022.12, pre-research project "Character Analysis Technology", project leader
- 2.2018.07~2021.06, the sub-project of the National Key R&D Program "Precise Expert Recommendation and Recommendation Basis Visual Presentation Technology", sub-project leader
- 3.2018.07~2021.06, the sub-project of the National Key R&D Program "Reliable Traceability of Scientific Research Behavior Data and Privacy Protection Technology", the executive director of the sub-project
- 4.2016.12~2019.11, National Key R&D Program sub-project "Virtual User Profile and Association Analysis Technology Research", sub-project leader
- 5.2015.01~2018.12, National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Fund Project "Causal Knowledge Discovery, Verification and Inference Research for Event Prediction", project leader
- 6.2014.01~2017.12, National Natural Science Foundation of China General Project "Research on the Next Generation Big Data Stream Classification System", the backbone of the project
- 7.2013.05~2014.04, the forward-looking project of the Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences "Research on the Key Technologies of Network Information Source Discovery and Information Dissemination", the backbone of the project
- 8.2012.01~2016.12, Strategic Pilot Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences: Social Situation Awareness and Handling,the backbone of the project
- 9.Undertake and participate in more than 10 horizontal projects of national departments