Cinque Terre

Name: 宋传承 Chuancheng Song

Education: Ph.D. Student

Research Direction: NLP, SNA, ML




Chuancheng Song, Ph.D. Student of the grade 2021.

Social Service

  • AAAI 2024 程序委员会委员
    PC member for AAAI 2024
  • 中国科学院大学“数据科学导论”、“社会计算与社交网络分析”、“智能算法中的随机模型”课程助教
    Teaching assistant of "Data Science Introduction", "Social Computing and Social Network Analysis", "Stochastic Models in Intelligent Algorithms" of the UCAS
  • 研究生集中教学班班长
    Class organizer for graduate academic training program

Awards and Honors

  • 中国科学院大学“优秀学生干部”、“三好学生”、“优秀共青团干部”
    Excellent Student of the UCAS
  • 博士研究生一等奖学金
    First award scholarship for Ph.D. Student
  • 江苏省优秀毕业生
    Excellent Graduate for Jiangsu Province, China
  • 美国大学生数学建模竞赛特等奖提名
    MCM/ICM Finalist

Representative Works: